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Seminar: Humanoide Roboter

Seminar: Humanoide Roboter
type: Seminar (S)
semester: WS 16/17
lecturer: Prof.Dr.Ing. Tamim Asfour
Peter Kaiser
Ömer Terlemez
sws: 2
lv-no.: 2400048

Registration: https://ilias.studium.kit.edu/goto_produktiv_crs_466375.html

Contact: peter.kaiser@kit.edu

Topic assignments: 19.10.2016, 10:00 in room 036, Building 50.20 (Ground floor, right wing)

Content: The students choose among a selection of topics from the field of humanoid robotics (e.g. robot design, motion planning, perception, learning etc.) and perform a literature research on the topic, guided by their assigned supervisor. At the end of the semester, the students present their results in an oral presentation and in a written document in the style of a scientific publication.

Process: The available topics will be presented in the beginning of the semester (details will be provided soon) by the respective supervisors. During the semester the students will perform the literature research on their own, guided by their assigned supervisor. The oral presentations will be held towards the end of the lecture period in a block of 1-2 days, the presentation language can be German or English. Finally, the students need to submit a 6-8 pages long English document in the style of a scientific publication (templates will be provided).

Goal: The students are experienced with literature reviews on topics of active research. They know how to understand and compare different approaches to a selected scientific problem and how to write a comparing summary of these approaches in the style of a scientific publication. They are also able to prepare and give a presentation on their selected topic.