KIT Open House Day 2019 at Campus East

On Saturday, 29 June, 2019, the Open House Day at KIT took place once again, this time at Campus East. The KIT Center Information · Systems · Technologies  (KCIST) had its own tent and was represented by the Department of Informatics, the High Performance Humanoid Technologies Lab (H²T) of the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics and the "Müll AG" from the department Digital Experience & Participation from the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing. 

While the Department of Informatics informed prospective students on courses of study in computer science, the H²T lab showed some of its exhibits, which were presented in detail by Prof. Tamim Asfour, the scientific spokesperson of KCIST, and his team during the VIP press tour led by Prof. Holger Hanselka, the president of KIT.

All visitors were also able to catch a glimpse of the exhibits, which included exoskeletons and hand prostheses. Even the young visitors were not left disappointed. They could watch a small robot named NAO dance the macarena or do thai chi and play the educational children's game "Die Müll AG" which deals with the topic waste separation and waste management.

Text: Christine Grinewitsch
